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Academic Integrity

Tips for understanding academic integrity, how to avoid plagiarism, and link to tutorial.

Academic Integrity Tools

UMass Global has a variety of resources to help you learn about academic integrity and avoid academic integrity violations:

  • The UMass Global Library's Academic Integrity and Anti-Plagiarism Tutorial provides clear definitions of plagiarism and academic integrity and provides examples of what plagiarism and honest writing look like, along with tips for how to cite correctly! 
  • The Code of Conduct details expectations of all students enrolled at UMass Global.
  • Use the library’s Ask a Librarian page to contact a librarian who can help you select the best resources for your project and make sure you are using your sources ethically.
  • The Online Writing and Math Center can help you with summarizing, paraphrasing, formatting, specialized writing styles, and more.
  • The library's Citing Sources guide can help you learn more about providing proper attribution. 

For specific questions about UMass's Academic Integrity policy, email

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