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Background Information

Why Use Background Information? 

Finding background information at the beginning of your research is important if you are not an expert in the subject area or not sure from what angle to approach your topic.  Background information can provide:

  • A broad overview of the subject
  • Definitions of the topic
  • Introduction to key issues
  • Names of people who are authorities in the subject field
  • Major dates and events
  • Keywords and subject-specific vocabulary terms that can be used for database searches
  • Bibliographies that lead to additional resources

Take the time to learn about your topic before you decide on a research question. It can save you time in the long run.

Online Reference Source

At the top of the homepage, select "Browse By" and select "Nursing." On the results page select "Content available to me" and scroll down to select "Apply Filter". You may also search for specific topics within these results.

Location of Nursing under the Browse By menuSage Nursing Filters