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Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership (EDDP / EDOL)

A resource guide for students and faculty in the EDDP / EDOL doctorate program.

Recommended Resources for EDDP Students - Introduction

The library has many resources to support your work throughout UMass Global's EDDP Program. The library's subscription databases provide access to many critical resources used in EDDP  at no cost to you. If you are searching for scholarly, governmental, and professional resources, the library's databases are an excellent place to begin your research. However, if you find that you are exhausting library resources, then you can do the following: 

You may sometimes come across paywalled resources while doing a Google/Google Scholar search for sources. Rather than paying to access an article, use the Journal Finder to see if we subscribe to the publication or contact a librarian for assistance. 

Types of Resources on This Page:

Recommended Library Resources for EDOL Students

Library Databases for EDDP

The library subscribes to nearly 100 databases, which cannot be accessed outside of the library's website, and some of which are critical to research for the EDDP program. The databases provide access to scholarly journal articles, newspaper and magazine articles, eBooks, and other materials that can often be found behind a paywall on Google. As a UMass Global student, you can access these materials by going to the Database A - Z List and signing in with your UMass Global username and password when prompted.

Below is a list of recommended databases to get you started with your EDDP research. 

Newspapers for EDOL

The UMass Global Library provides access to international newspapers with extensive coverage of current news and events and will be useful to your course assignments and research projects, including:

In order to use these newspapers, you must read the Special Access registration guide for instructions about signing up for access using your UMass Global credentials. If you do not sign up through UMass Global, you may be denied access to the articles.

WSJ offers a discounted subscription for graduates priced at $2 per month for the first year. Students who take advantage of the offer will continue to get a discounted rate for an additional 7 years.

Journals Related to Organizational Leadership

Below are links to the most commonly read journals for EDOL. There are many others that can be found in the Journal Finder, but these are most heavily cited journals in business, management, and leadership.

You should access journal articles by starting with on library's website so that you are recognized as an authorized user. The full text information provided in the description means that journal articles published within the date range listed are available for download in the library's databases. You can use the Journal Finder to view tables of contents and download articles from the journals. For those that do not include current issues, you may be able to view limited number of the most recently published articles for free as noted in the descriptions below. Be sure to bookmark and check the journal's table of contents monthly for new materials.

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