Finding Articles using Library Discover Search
Library Discover Search contains many of the Library’s electronic (online) and physical resources and is a great place to begin searching on most topics. Once you conduct an initial search in Library Discover Search, you can limit your results in a variety of ways, including to peer-reviewed journal articles only.
Logging into library databases: Before you can begin using the library's databases, you will need to know your UMass Global username and password. This is the same login information used for your UMass Global email account. If you have questions about your username and password, contact the UMass Global IT Service Desk at or 855-553-3007 (toll free) / 949-341-9801.
Here are steps you can take to search for articles:
- Begin on the Library Discover Search page.
- Enter your search terms into the search boxes (as shown below):

- Click on Search.
- Login with your UMass Global username and password (the same you use for Blackboard).
- Before viewing your results, you can limit to peer-reviewed journal articles by checking the box next to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals under Refine Results.

Click on the image to view a larger version.
You may also choose to limit your search in other ways:
- Full Text: Narrow down your search to full text only articles. By clicking on this box, you will only see full text articles that are available online. NOTE: If you narrow down to full text only, you might miss some great information. Searches include articles that may not be available through our search engine, but they can be found in other databases or can be requested through interlibrary loan.
- Publication Date: Select a range of dates. This is useful when you need to find recent data.
Full Text Options: As shown below, there are different full text options for viewing articles:
- An HTML version of the article provides a simple text version of the article; the entire article is viewable, but it does not appear in its original formatting.
- The PDF option provides a direct scan of the original article with images and charts, including page numbers needed for citation.
- The "Full Text Finder" option is visible when the full text of an article is not available in the database you are searching. When you click on that link, it will search for a copy of the article through the library’s electronic (online) journal collections and provide an access link if available. If a copy of the article is not available through the UMass Global Library, you can request the article through our interlibrary loan service.
Add to folder: Allows you to add articles to a temporary folder that can be emailed, printed or saved. Since this is a temporary folder, make sure you email/print/save articles stored in this folder before you log out of the database. You can create a free EBSCOhost account to retain access to the articles. For more information on how to create this account, please visit ESBCOConnect.
Additional Resources
For more tips about searching the library's databases, visit the online research guides listed below. If you need additional help, fill out the question form or make a research appointment with a librarian on the Ask A Librarian page.