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Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership (EDDP / EDOL)

A resource guide for students and faculty in the EDDP / EDOL doctorate program.

EDDP Bootcamp

Welcome to the UMass Global Library, EDDP / EDOL Students!

The library will be integral to your work during your time at UMass Global. Using this page, you will become acclimated to the library's resources and services that you will need to use while you embark upon your dissertation journey. You can use this page as your starting point to sign up for required live research instruction sessions and to learn about the library at your own pace.

This page includes resources curated specifically for EDDP / EDOL students. Additional library resources can be accessed at any time through the UMass Global Library website.

Questions? Contact a librarian at

In order to help you quickly learn about the library so that you are able to begin research as soon as you are ready, it is highly recommended that you complete the following:

Research Instruction Session Information

As part of your EDDP / EDOL Doctoral training program, you should attend the following library instructional sessions:

Session Description Workshop Resources
Library Introduction Discover resources available through the library that will be useful to you as a Ed.D. student. Learn how to find and access scholarly and other research materials, request articles not available through the library, and get individual research support.

Coming soon

Zotero Introduction You will learn how to use Zotero to format your citations in APA Style, download bibliographic records from the library's databases, and use Microsoft Word to instantly integrate in-text and citations into your research paper. 

08/09/2024 Recording

To register for a session:

  1. Select a date and time that you'd like to attend from the schedule below. Check back often to view additional workshop offerings. 
***The times displayed below are in the Pacific Time Zone. The registration page will provide an option to view the event in your local time zone.***

  1. Select the "Registration is required for this event" link to sign up. You will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link.
  2. If none of the times listed on the calendar work for you, email Monique Clark at to arrange a date and time that fits your schedule. 


Distinguished Scholar: Doctoral Research Workshops

The Doctoral Students Workshop Series is open to students completing a dissertation or scholarly clinical project. If you complete all four workshops you will earn a Doctoral Research Badge. Sign up for additional workshops on the Library Workshop Calendar page.

Recommended Library Reading

The following resources can be viewed and completed at any time, Most are brief and will help you learn to research efficiently and even become a library power user. 

Reading Description When to Read
Preparing to Use the Library's Resources    
Getting Started with Library Research (video) and UMass Global Library Overview (tutorial) Introduction to the library's homepage and an overview of library services. Prior to attending a live Library Overview session.
Find an Article from a Citation How to obtain an article you come across outside a library search without ever paying for access. When your professor assigns a research article to read, or you come across an article outside of a library database search that you want to read.
Beginning to Research    
Databases List Select the research databases that are most likely to lead you to information relevant to your thesis. The first time you conduct a library database search.
Advanced Search Screens in Research Databases How to filter out unwanted material by setting limits on each search. The first time you conduct a library database search.
Evaluating Sources How to quickly discern whether the material you find is likely to be useful. The first time you conduct a library database search.
Interlibrary Loan Services and WorldCat Instructions for obtaining material that UMass Global does not have immediate access to. The first time you conduct a library database search.
Citing and Creating Bibliographies    
Citing Sources Samples and tips for citing in APA Style. The first time you cite a source or prepare a bibliography.
Zotero Overview How to manage your research material and quickly create a formatted bibliography. Prior to attending the live library Zotero session

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